Please, remember me, happily, by the rosebush laughing.

My photo
Florence, Alabama, United States
Dancing in both directions at once so everyone won't notice that she's never heard this song before.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sometimes I dream I'm driving down an old dirt road...

Last week Jonathan scared the bejesus out of me in the Dollar General. I knew that he was down South, but I thought he was in Gulf Shores. Apparently, this was part of a fiendish plan crafted weeks ago by one Miss Jessica Hyde.

"She knows I'm at the beach! What do I do?!"
"...tell her you're at a different beach."

He was actually staying in Destin with his mother and sister! He and Jessica were text messaging, and they orchestrated a brilliant maneuver in which Jonathan stood creepily close to me and I just about ran over him. We hung out that day and drank a little a saw his hotel room and played Trivial Pursuit! I think that was Wednesday.

Friday afternoon (I think), Chelsea and Noreese got in town. They (and Amanda) went to eat while Jessica and I visited the Red Door (the Barn Door? Something like that...) for a few free drinks and met up with Jonathan. The girls joined us later, and we chatted it up on the porch for a while before heading home. Chelsea and Noreese were in Amanda's room, Amanda was in my room, Jonathan fell asleep on the couch, and Jessica and I went to bed in her room.

When I fell asleep, Jessica was in the bed. When I woke, Jeff was in the bed! This may have been one of the most surreal moments in my entire life. I kinda freaked out a little inside and couldn't quite make everything fit in my head the way should have. I walked to living room, seeing a pallet with what I assumed was Jessica and Jonathan, but it turned out to be Jessica and Lance! Apparently, Jonathan was only phase one of Operation Best Surprise Ever.

Noreese made pancakes and sausage for everyone, and then we all headed to the beach in Seaside. I must say, we make a hot crowd. Jonathan and Noreese and I even ventured into the ocean! I took a walk with the boys and later we took some silly pictures before heading to Publix and then home. for dinner. Jessica and Amanda made up the hamburgers while I fired up the grill. We did burgers and hot dogs and made up a ghetto game of beer pong in the backyard. Later... many beers later... we went inside and played some Captain Dickhead and later Pick-up Lines.

Sunday everyone went home. While I was sad to see them leave, it was kinda nice to have the house quiet again. I think we all three spent ungodly amounts of time in our own rooms just enjoying having three people in the house instead of eight.

Let's see... other stuff happened this week, I'm sure, but let's jump to today...

Jessica and I went to the beach to fly a kite, but we were wildly unsuccessful. All Raphael wanted to do was spin in ridiculous circles and occasional dive bomb one of us. Later we drove around, exploring a little, and then we went to Winn Dixie to get stuff for dinner!

Tonight we grilled kabobs (chicken, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, bacon, squash, zucchini) and had a cake with whipped cream! If you're thinking that we are the coolest three people in the world right about now, then you are correct.

Jessica and I played a little frisbee in the backyard, then we all three came in to eat and watch the telly. Amanda headed to bed and Jessica and I played a round of Trivial Pursuit (which seems to have become somewhat of a nighttime ritual) and then we went to bed, too. And by went to bed, I mean here I am, Reader, with you.

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