Please, remember me, happily, by the rosebush laughing.

My photo
Florence, Alabama, United States
Dancing in both directions at once so everyone won't notice that she's never heard this song before.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Our little pony-tailed girl, grown up to be a woman, and she's gone in the blink of an eye...

I took my car in to the shop. (Directions from Dad: Go to Columbia, by the railroad tracks. Go half a block, turn between the big brown garages. There's no sign. Go to the back door. Ask for Ronnie.) We got repairs done to the body, which, having survived the sixteenth birthdays of four children, was a bit banged up. It's lookin' pretty chic now, although the inside smells like turpentine. Yum.

My hair is blue; the day of dying was a really fantastic day. Jessica came over that morning, and throughout the day different people were in and out of the apartment (like O'Brian, Jeff, Jonathan, and Meagan (and Abby)) while we bleached and blued me. That night, Jessica, Meagan, Rachel, Erin, Melody, and I went to Tuscaloosa for Blue Two! We started the night with Candyland and ended it on mushy couches. Meagan and I played some serious beer pong, and I think I got to second base with Jessica. Lindsey was a glitter princess, which isn't to much different than Lindsey on a regular basis. I spent some quality time with Ryan, got to see Elizabeth and Nathan and Melissa, and even got to hang out with Boyd there at the end (long past when I should have been around people).

This is really one of those posts where I'm just saying things as they pop into my mind.


No, seriously. Vagina Monologues is over! The show went well; the cast was fantastic! I'm bummed we didn't get a cast picture. The first night we had some technical difficulties, but they were all fixed by Thursday. Difficulties or not, everyone performed well and we had a good audience both nights. O'Brian did Vagina Security Wednesday, and my parents came to the show. Thursday Jeff, Meagan, and Brittany (super exciting!) came to see it, as well as Kari.

Last weekend I went to a memorial service for Grammer at Britni's house. I got there really late, coming in to hear a family friend singing Amazing Grace. I stood with Mark and Lance and Britni in the back, listening to the music and the kind words people had to say. There was food and sweet talk and nice memories. Later I got to watch a video with just the family, which made me feel very special. She was a really important person, and I don't think I'll ever be able to remember the college years without her coming to mind.

From there I traveled down to Santa Rosa to unpack a carload of (mostly) clothing! I spent Sunday doing laundry and putting it away, as well as spending some quality time with the animals. Monday morning Jessica and I went out and about, getting keys made and picking up a few things. I finished up laundry, hung out with Amanda some, then headed home. I think it was a very good thing to be there over the weekend; it helped me become more excited about the move, instead of just sad and anxious.

The last couple days have all been spend packing and cleaning and doing laundry. I may have been bitten by a brown recluse a few minutes ago. 90% sure it was a recluse. Only 10% worried that it bit me. I'll keep you updated.

And now, I must say goodbye, at least temporarily. I'm headed to Birmingham tonight, and I'll complete the journey tomorrow morning. I don't know how long before we'll have internet, but I will try to remember each adventure. I love you so much.

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