Please, remember me, happily, by the rosebush laughing.

My photo
Florence, Alabama, United States
Dancing in both directions at once so everyone won't notice that she's never heard this song before.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I may not always love you, but long as there are stars above you...

Well well well.

I move in about a month. This past weekend I went to Destin to visit Jessica and Amanda and look at a home, which we have decided to rent! It's in Santa Rosa, and it's a three bedroom in the back of neighborhood. My room has a four poster antique bed, which they are going to leave, as well as a desk with shelf space. Jessica has a dresser I can use, which cuts down my moving cost and effort a good bit. I'm excited and anxious. It's definitely getting time for a move, and I'm going to be in warmer climates and by the beach, and living with Jessica, and having pets again! I'm worried about finding work that is fulfilling, about money, about being so far from my parents and sisters and brother and friends!

Let's see... I'm not directing the Vagina Monologues, which is a pretty major bummer. It's something I've been talking about for months now, and most of you knew about it. Anyway, turns out that since I graduated I can't help direct. I think the play will still be fine, of course, but it's hard to wrap my head around being in a different role. I also think I'm a better director than I am at being on stage, and I have more experience with that (even it's still not much). The cast is fantastic, of course. I have seriously considered quitting and just going on with the move right this moment, but I don't want to give up that time with my friends here.

When I was in Destin, we (me, Jessica, Amanda, and Chelsea) went to a Civil War re-enactment. We had a very nice picnic and then watched the skirmish. It was very cool and very loud. We saw a woman making a cathedral quilt; I'm now attempting to make one myself, with limited success. I'll show you pictures when it's finished. I'll be honest, it may end up being a cathedral pillow instead.

I have my phone back, but the screen is messing up. It did this some when I was using Meagan phone, so I think it might be a problem with my sim card and not the actual phone. I can still get calls and dial out (usually), but sometimes I can't read texts or actually see to figure out who I'm calling if I don't know the number by heart.

I've done about a million loads of laundry this week, though my room still looks disasterous. It's a big part of packing, though, so hurray for being somewhat productive!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Well, good God damn and other such phrases...

I've been going through some severe musical addictions recently.

First, Dan le Sac and Scroobius Pip. They are a British hip-hop duo, I suppose. I think Pip used to be a slam poet. This is the first song I heard; these two are my other favorites.

Next is was Ingrid Michaelson, who is featured on several commercials. The jingle that ran on the telly is still the best, although I love her other stuff, too.

My current love is Kate Nash, who has escaped my computer and has blasted through my car speakers. She is bitter and beautiful.

Keep it loose, keep it tight,

Friday, January 09, 2009

Your eyes are beating rhythms way faster than the speeding bullet that took the life of your radio.

abut test that thing whee you'e spposed tbe able to putthings in anyorer, and yo can till rea , Iuss hts if teare t least rupd ithin he se wordhu? refodong ts venew ting here eyh I tupejust es on any oorer it was o. Like, me te to ocme trace isead Grace. Bzzare, in'it? tsifotnG uosdnan ymttnd dli tumoc ygnitrewh ylolihi si xiF h ,matweogaa yh'ateg lleW ?mehtdsud ourrew owoH

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Come January, we're frozen inside...

Room for Squares is such a good album. I've been re-visiting it, and it still fits me like a charm, despite the holiday casseroles and gallons of eggnog. Somethings never change.

Most things do, though. Consider yourself warned.

You know, sometimes I forget why I feel things, even when I don't forget why I feel them. I forgot why I loved Christmas until I was right smack dab in the middle of it, then it hit me like a ton of bricks, or a ton of pine needles and wrapping paper, and my heart almost burst with love. I spent New Year's Eve with my family, of course. We got Mom a new kitten; his name is Moz (short for Mozart). Potato soup, I love thee with the fiery heat of a thousand suns.

We had an early brunch at my grandmother's house Christmas morning, and I worked that afternoon. I hung out with the cousins the next day. It's amazing how cool they've all turned out to be. I wish they all were my next door neighbors. I spent one night out there hanging out and playing tiddlywinks with Nancy. The next day I took Morgan and David to see Marley and Me. It was good, although you should be prepared to cry at the end (which I was). The next morning Morgan and I had brunch together, which was really special and fun.

I went to Birmingham at some point. Maybe that was late on the 26th? I went down late after playing some Scatagories with Lindsey, Graham, Meagan, Moonie, and Katie. I arrived at one-ish, and when to bed shortly after, cuddled up with Jessica and Lance.

You should check your rage at the door. A little jealousy is to be expected, but that is excessive. I'm sure they will sleep with you, too, if you ask nicely.

J-money left early early that morning, and Lance, Jeff, and I went to the Browns to have breakfast with Lance's parents and Ms. Britni Marks. It was so good to see Lance's mom again; I haven't seen in her in a year or more. After that Lance and I followed Britni to her house, where we saw Mark for a hot minute before he had to leave; we also visited with Grammar and Britni's mother. We were going to go to the park, but clouds came a'rolling in while we were inside, so we decided to play in the backyard instead (with Odin and Lucky). Then Lance and I went back to his apartment, I think, and then I went to meet Jeff and James and Chris at Panera Bread.

Sitting at a table with three hot boys can be very intimidating; I felt like I was on one of those MTV dating shows. Weird. Later we were joined by Alice, Ricky, and Justin. It was a nice meal. Jeff and I left for Darren's; I stopped in to say hello and then was off again, back to Florence.

Oh, and this is when I lost my phone. By the by, it has been found again. It was in my boot in Lance's apartment. I just got it back and it is charging right this very minute.

Time time time...


New Year's Eve. I was pretty wishy-washy about my plans. I thought I had to work on the 31st, but turns out I was scheduled for the first. I had a really wonderful dinner with my parents and Graham, and then I intended to go to Birmingham. I stopped at my apartment to grab my license (which I couldn't even find at the time, although I have found it since), locked the door, and promptly shut my keys in the trunk of my car. Unable to get into my car or apartment, and still not having a phone, I knocked upon my neighbor's door, borrowed a phone, and watched twenty minutes of the latest Superman movie while Graham brought a key.

Graham said I should probably just stay home, which I did. It was a very subdued but nice way to bring in the New Year. Meagan was an hour later in her celebration; I think this is the first time one of us has been in a different time zone at midnight. Strange. Mom crashed early, so Dad and Graham and I toasted her and called Meg and Lindsey and shot the rifle and blitzed the Boulevard with firecrackers galore.

I worked New Year's Day, and one of my clients went a little crazy. It was a stressful day, but I handled things pretty well. Hopefully it was not a harbinger of 2009.

Yesterday-- which I am sorely tempted to call today, seeing as I am still awake-- was a bit lazy, but in a nice way. I slept late, then met Jeff for lunch at Wok and Roll. We came home and played on googlemaps, later heading to my parents' house for dinner. We mostly talked to Mom and played with Abby and Moz. Now it is so late that it's early, and I'm going to catch some Z's before work this afternoon. I'll be there 2-10 tonight and I work a double tomorrow (6am-10pm). I'll be in touch.