Please, remember me, happily, by the rosebush laughing.

My photo
Florence, Alabama, United States
Dancing in both directions at once so everyone won't notice that she's never heard this song before.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Whoah, dear Savior, gonna take my cares away...

Some reflections on today:

Meagan called this morning to tell me about Norris Ricks. He graduated with me from Deshler. I think he's the first person in our class to go. It's left me with a dull achey feeling.

The thing is, I wasn't friends with Norris, not really. I don't think I've seen him since graduation four years ago except maybe in passing at one or another basketball function. And while I grieve for his family, my day to day routine won't be changed... much. It will be altered, though. Norris was a piece of a puzzle that makes up who I am now. He was a part of my daily life for four years, and it's hard to imagine he's gone. All of you, you members of the Deshler High School Class of 2003, you are a part of something bigger; you're supposed to exist infinitely in my social sphere, even if we didn't so much as talk in high school. I'm just supposed to know you're somewhere; that maybe we'll catch up on the class gossip once in a while, hear about your marriages and children and new jobs...

Anyway, I want you all to know that I'm here, waiting on the peripheral, in case you ever need anything.

Norris, you'll probably be missed by more people than you realized.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I like football and porno and books about war.

Sometimes I'm compelled to write journal entries simply because I'm listening to a song or reading a poem or watching a video and some line just sticks out, and I think "That would make a fantastic title." And then, regardless of whether I actually have anything of value to say or not, I get on the computer and prattle on about this and that and the other, but all I'm really wondering is if anyone looked at the title and thought "what the hell?"

Incidentally, they rarely have anything to do with the actual entry; hell, the title of this blog doesn't have anything to do with the entry, which is about titles! Anyway, I don't like football.

Today was spent around the house; I'm halfway through Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs-- she has quickly wormed her way into my heart. I like everything I've read by her thusfar, and I don't see that pattern changing in the near future. The previous books in the series were Moon Called and Blood Bound about mostly werewolves and vampires (respectively), and the current title is about the fae. Of course, there are elements of everything in each book.

This afternoon Jeff and I went to the bank, Sam's, and Wal-mart before heading to my parents' house. I made a bunch of quiche, although by the time they were done I'd already eaten some of Mom's spaghetti. Mmm. In case you were wondering what kind of quiche I made (and of course you were), I'll tell you:

~ sausage, bell pepper, mushroom, and chive
~ ham and broccoli
~ asparagus and swiss
~ bacon and tomato
~ spinach and romano

If, in addition to your now sated curiousity about the varieties, you are wondering why I decided to make so many eggy concoctions, I'm afraid I don't have an answer.

Abby and Meagan and Moonie left a bit ago; they came over to watch Chasing Amy, a fabulous and funny movie. Micah introduced me to the Jason Smith movies, but I believe it was Brian who first introduced me to this particular volume. It was, of course, a hit. Yay!

Jeff and I have been following two different series, by the by. Death Note we watch with fair regularity, while Ikki Tousan (or whatever the hell it's called) we recently began watching on youtube... it's more for comic relief and it's what-the-fuck? value than any actual visual or mental stimulation, though. Death Note is pretty good, and I'm interested in finishing it soon. In other mindless entertainment news, we have yet to finish the first season of the O.C. (at Lance's behest) or the third season of Nip/Tuck. O'Brian just informed me that he has the third season of Queer as Folk, so that's on the list as well. For someone who doesn't have a telivision, I certainly seem to get my fair share of rot in, don't I?

Oh, and on while we're stumbling our way through the realm of telivision, let me say that I am very interested in getting Any Day Now. I'm not sure if it's even sold, but if and when it comes out, I would like it.

Allow me to backtrack for a moment, too, and say that last night was fantastic and fun; after spending much of the afternoon at the house just chilling, Meagan&co finally showed up, and after getting a bite to eat we (them and me, along with Mom, Dad, and Graham) played an exhilerating game of Cranium. That game is fun always, but especially with my kick-ass family. Graham also did a firework display, where we battled it out with some firecracking hopefuls below the bluff.

In a completely unrelated topic: I need to start recording these daily thoughts before midnight, because I get confused re-reading entries, thinking I've told you about one or another event when, in fact, I have not. Hmm.

For a post about nothing, I sure rambled on...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Tonight I am going to vomit under that couch.

Well, well, blog... we meet again.

Since we last conveened... let's see...

I spent a good deal of the time right after Christmas visiting my family, working, and trying to get over a cold. The 29th was my last day at Bookland; it was supposed to be in the middle of January, but alas, that was not to be. What a screwy company. Oh, well.

I spent the night of the 30th at the Camp McDowell Reunion; there are some amazing people at that place. Oh my my. It was so good to see everyone, though I certainly missed many people as well. Jeff dropped me at camp and then took my car to Birmingham; I bummed a ride with Alex in that direction, which was wonderful. Kanye West and good conversation = a great last day of the year. Jeff and Tyler picked me up and we ran a few errands, including a drive by Walgreens. Later Tyler and I went by Moonie's house to see her and Meagan and Abby before jetting over to Jennifer's apartment for some New Year's Eve festivities! Already there were Jennifer, Jennifer, Thomas, Britni, Mark, O'Brian, Shareese, Meaghan, and Lance (I think... or did you get there after us? Eh...). Is that everyone? I think so. We played half a game of Ring-of-Fire or something, then half a game of Apples to Apples (which I won, suckahs). We had a few sips of champagne as the ball dropped and later played the board game Never Have I Ever. Aside from Meaghan not feeling well the whole night, it was a really great night, and I'm glad I got to ring in the new year with such beautiful friends. I did miss Jessica a lot, as well as some of you other hoodlums that are so important to me.

In the morning I took Shareese to the train station in downtown Birmingham, where we got to deal with the asshole ticketmaster before lunching at sketchy Church's Chicken with Mr. Doesn't-Understand-Social-Cues (although I must still admit, the lunch was delicious), then racing back to make the train a scant 3 minutes before it pulled away. I miss you already, Shareese.

Later that afternoon I went out with Brittany and Jeff to the mall, then back to the apartment, then over to watch a movie with Meagan and Moonie and Abby; we spent the night there after watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The next day was spent lounging, watching Thank You For Smoking and half a season of America's Next Top Model on VH1. Aside from venturing out for lunch at P.F. Chang's and an exciting crow incident in the front yard after Meagan left for practice, our day was wonderfully lazy and uneventful.

That night I played Guitar Hero at Tyler's for the first time, and we watched Playing By Heart (we being Tyler, Lance, Jeff, Britni, and me... Mark had been there earlier, too, but had then left again). Amazing movie, of course. Jeff and I spent the night at Britni's house; in the morning we brought Lance Starbucks and lunched at Jason's Deli before Britni left for the Dentist and Jeff and I trotted off to Cullman, where we spent several hours visiting his exciting friend Alex and Alex's parents. They life in this incredily cluttered pellmell of a house on the lake; it's the most wonderful thing I ever did see. It's thrown together and full of beautiful knick-knacks and hidden corners and cozy spaces. It may be the first house I've ever fallen in love with. Anyway, we left there to visit with Jeff's parents before wandering homeward again.

So, that put us home on Friday, during which we paid a bill or two and that night I shot pool with my parents' and brother at DP's which was as humourous as it was fun... really fun. I needed that. Yesterday Mom and I traveled to Memphis to see Meagan's ball game, drove home half starved because there is nothing on 72, then I took a nap on the couch. Dad made gumbo which was incredibly (duh), and then Graham came over to the apartment and we (Graham, Jeff, and I) ate tacos and watched Munich. It was... violent. It was good though.

So... there you have it. A day by day account of 2008 so far. Reflections on the last year to come later... now, I want to read a book.