Please, remember me, happily, by the rosebush laughing.

My photo
Florence, Alabama, United States
Dancing in both directions at once so everyone won't notice that she's never heard this song before.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I said, "Do ya speak-a my language?"

Big Spring Jam is Friday, September 28, through Sunday, September 30. Bands I'm super excited about? Foreigner and the Avett Brothers. Other bands I'd like to see: Sawyer Brown, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic, Pat Greene, Los Lonely Boys and the Commodores. I'm not really into Breaking Benjamin, but I know some of you fine folk are, and they'll be there as well! Also, I'm going to St. Thomas that Sunday. I'm gonna call Rosemary and see if I (and whoever wants to come with) can sleep at her house. If for some reason that weekends no good for her, I'm pretty sure someone in Huntsville will let me crash there. Yay for lots of friends!

In the next month or two I'm going to get a Net Flix account. I'm pretty pumped about that. Recently Jeff and I have been plowing steadily through Avatar and Nip/Tuck. Soon I would like to begin The Sopranos (my parents have that) and maybe the O.C. (because Lance demands it).

There are so many people I need to call and see and visit and invite. I miss several people from camp, and I still haven't recconnected with a lot of people here that I'd really like to see. I need to hang out with Jessica, my Little, who I haven't seen in forever, as well as my grandmother, who I miss a lot. Wahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

You like to put jelly on ladies?

Meagan left for Birmingham this morning. Man oh man. It is official, I suppose. We're all in college. Crazy! I'm doing the normal nostalgic nosedive into depression, but it's nothing new and nothing serious. I love my family. I love this house.

Tonight I'm going to babysit for the Tomlinsons. I saw them Thursday. They've definitely grown in the last three months! Harris is speaking in full sentences. They were both so wonderful; it was great to see Rosario, too, although she was sick, and I hope she's feeling better now. Next month I'll be staying with them five days in a row. I'll be taking them to day care and everything... I get to play house! And at a gorgeous home, too... it's amazing what the desolate little mountain lot has become.

This semester I have Intro to Women's Studies, The Bible as Literature, Geography II, and Personality. I'm really excited about my schedule, aside from the Geography, but even it should be okay.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

All of us are crazy good in one way or another.

I must get back into the habit of updating this thing.

So. So so so.

Classes start tomorrow! I have a potential schedule, but I can't register until my advisor gets back in town (tomorrow) and releases my hold. Classes should be fun and interesting. I can't graduate by December. Also, I was just told yesterday that I have to have a minor. While I was interested in obtaining one in Women's Studies anyway, I'm a little floored that I've met with three or more teachers about my degree and have never been told this bit of information. Jeez.

Jeff and I are renting/house sitting? at a little place on Gordon Avenue in Sheffield. It's precious. We did fondu there last week with Meaghan, Moony, Graham, O'Brian, and Jessica. Jessica? Yes, Jessica! She was in town for a while.

Time to backtrack and give a rundown of my life since the last post:

~ Camp ended. The last session was fun and tiring and right on time. I had a groovy cabin.
~ I road with Ryan to Birmingham, where I was dropped off at Tyler and Brittney's apartment.
~ Tyler, Lance, Brittney, Rachel, Bailey, Jennifer, Thomas, and I went to eat at P.F. Chang's
~ In celebration of Tyler's 21st, we headed to Loco's.
~ Daniel came, too, along with Lauren Banks, Miller and Jack (who I hadn't met before)
~ We had a rip-roaring good time, then went back to Tyler's to celebrate some more
~ Jeff got me and we went back home to look at the house mentioned above.
~ Meaghan, O'Brian, and I went to Fort Walton to visit Jessica.
~ We spent two different days on the beach, and saw some huge jelly fish.
~ We went to Howl at the Moon, one of Jessica's hang-out spots.
~ O'Brian and Meaghan left early Monday morning; Jessica and I left shortly after.
~ J-Money and I stayed the night in Birmingham with Lance, Tyler, and Brittney.

Since being home, Jessica, Jeff, Jonathan, Mooney, Meagan, Melissa, and I went bowling, and aftwards Jessica and Jonathan came to the house to watch The Labrynth. Funtimes. Jessica and I also hung out a lot this week; she went home yesterday.

Now Jeff and I are at the UNA library working on his resume/playing on facebook. This afternoon we're going to move my bed to the house. Yay! Yesterday we moved some other randomness (and a lot of clothes) in. I'm about to do some serious cleaning and ditching of useless knickknacks.

Tomorrow we're going to Loui Loui's, at the invitation of Louise. I'm sure there's more to record, but for now, I'm going to do a crossword. Hurrah!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

When the sun shines, we'll shine together...

Here it comes... the last session of the summer. Despite the waves of stomach turning nostalgia that hit every time I move from any temporary home, I'm excited about being back in Sheffield soon.

The plan for now... pre-camp starts at 3 today. We'll have campers tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday morning. They leave Sunday afternoon, and we spend the pm hours cleaning and whatnot, and I assume hanging out around camp. There's talk of staying Monday night as well, but if we don't I'll probably head to Birmingham for Tyler's birthday!

I leave for Fort Walton again on the 9th with Mdawg and my main man O'Brian Gunn (haven't spent time with them in ages, looking forward to the seven hour drive, believe it or not!), then we get back on the 12th or so, and I move into Jeff's apartment (Chris is moving to Birmingham!). Man, so much, so much. Back to camp for the last time as an employee this summer... love to all of you.