Please, remember me, happily, by the rosebush laughing.

My photo
Florence, Alabama, United States
Dancing in both directions at once so everyone won't notice that she's never heard this song before.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Everywhere I go- damn, there I am!

'Tis another beautiful day.

It's been an exciting week... Saturday saw us headed North... goodbye to the beach... until we meet again...

My parents dropped me off in Birmingham, where I met with Lance and Britni; we then traveled to Loco's to celebrate Thomas's birthday with him and Karen and Mark... it was very fun to just chill out, although after a good ten hours in the car and the drained feeling that often follows a good vacation, I was pretty tired. Karen, Thomas, and I spent the night with Lance, then breakfasted in the company of Kylie and then headed home again (I road with Karen back to the Shoals). A good weekend.

The next day (Monday), Jessica, Meaghan, and I headed to Tunica to celebrate my birthday! It was a lot of fun... my first legal drink order was a white Russian, and it was very good. I didn't win any money, but I didn't loose to much, either, and I had a GREAT time with two of the greatest people in the world... and also, free porn!

We came home Tuesday, and I've actually been home for three nights now! Tomorrow morning will have me traveling to Camp McDowell... oh how I miss thee! I can't wait... I am so freakin' excited. It really really really hit me when Jared called earlier this week. I gushed to Karen about it most of the way home from Birmingham; thanks for listening, by the way. :)

Jared called again later and told me that one of our favorite campers from Sumatonga is going to be at Special Session this year: Doobie! He is one crazy character... I'm sooooo excited he's going to be there!

To jump back a day: yesterday T.J. and Jetson came over to swim; we were joined later by Lacey, Asa, and Amy... it was a nice long day by the pool! After they'd gone Jessica and then O'Brian (who had been in and out most of the day) came out to sit for a while. We headed to the grocery store a little later and then home for dinner and then out again! This time we went to Sidepockets, where we had a fun (and eventful) night. I got to chug for a chance at a $20 bar tab (I lost by a second! Blast!) and then did a blowjob shot off of Jessica (Happy 21st to me!)

I'm at my parents' house now, and I've found out that Meagan has done most of my laundry... she's a peach! Back at the apartment, the leak is finally fixed, the hot water back on, and the air conditioning repaired. Our neighbors are moving out next door. O'Brian cleaned while we were away... definitely gonna try and keep it that way, because it feels so much nicer.

Life = Good

Thursday, June 22, 2006

They're all different names for the same thing.

They're all different names for the same thing.
People here on vacation: Mom, Dad, Lindsey, Graham, Meagan, Uncle Ernest, Aunt Tammy, Tara, Corey, Tyler, Evan, Adam, Russ, Uncle Keith, Aunt Laura, Katie, Nancy, Tommy, Gail, Cody, Alex, and me; Uncle Don and Aunt Edith are here, too.

Fourteen of us are staying in this house. I'm on Tara's computer... she and Lindsey are headed home tomorrow, so I thought I'd give you a quick update before the laptop leaves because I doubt I'm gonna make it to the library unless we come upono a rainy day between now and Saturday.

Let me hit a few points of interest (and I've already told many of you these things on the phone or via myspace):

~Evan and I saw a manatee surface no more than 30 feet from where we were floating. I could see his nostrils.

~Lindsey, Graham, Meagan, Corey, Russ, and I walked 8 miles late one night to the only think open all the time on the island- a Circle K gas station, where we bought some cigarettes... none of us are regular smokers, but it was important in that moment that we get the cigarettes, and so we did.

~I road in my first cab; it was a van, luckily, as we flagged it down on the way home from the gas station... 8 miles? That's quite a walk. We weren't especially looking forward to long trek home, so the cab was quite a blessing. Cab driver's name? Dewey. I'm going to name my first child Dewey, Jr.

~After the long journey we sat on the beach and drank gin from the bottle with Mountain Dew to chase... one of my cousins thought he saw a dog, so we go to investigate, discovering a that it is, in fact, a sea turtle coming on shore to lay her eggs. She began the crawl at 2 in the morning, I think, and we watched her for the next two hours as she dug her nest went about her business. This was most certainly one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed. We woke Tara and Tyler so they could watch, too.

~Tonight I went with Tara, Tyler, Cody, Russ, and Corey to see "Nacho Libre," which was pretty dumb, as was to be expected, but it was fun to spend time with the family... besides, we went to Taco Bell afterwards, which was a plus.

~I've eaten so much good food this week, including, but not limited to, lasagna, meatballs and sausage, chip beef gravy, crab cakes, salmon cakes, jalepeno poppers, crab legs, blue crab, mac and cheese, banana pudding, and pizza. Tommy and Uncle Ernest took Graham, Cody, Alex, and Evan deep sea fishing today, so we have more sea food to look forward to tomorrow.

Two more days, ladies and gents... if things go according to plans I've yet to discuss with anyone, really, I will be dropped off in Birmingham on Saturday for Thomas's birthday. Oh, and also, a suggestion up for question: I was thinking about staying in Birmingham until my birthday instead of going to Tunica. I really would like to go to the casinos, but I don't have any money right now. I also know people I asked to come were having a hard time getting off work and school and what not. Meaghan and Jessica are the only two people I know were coming... so this is to you, and also, those in Birmingham... would you like to spend Monday in a bar in Birmingham, and if we do that, can anyone in the city put us up? Questions, questions... let me know, please.

I love my family. Every single person here has a special special place, and I can't fathom their non-existance. I wish you were all here to enjoy this with me.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I've written pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones.

Yesterday Lindsey called from Birmingham, where she and her friend Lee had become stranded. I was on the Blvd. at the moment cleaning for Mom, so I left there with nothing but some gass money (courtesy of my beautiful mother) just in time to hit rush hour traffic. I headed to the Summit, and made it there mostly successfully, thanks to my dearest Lance... I felt afterwards that I had done pathetically direction-wise, though I realised later that I only missed one turn; the stand-still traffic just made me jittery.

We then drove on to Camp McDowell, after an afternoon meal the Waffle House. It was neat spending the night in the desserted lower camp. We hung out a bit with Lee and Mollie, another counselor, but that was it; we headed to bed fairly early. Before falling asleep I read the first of the six books that make up Steven King's The Green Mile. Oh man... it just hit me that I should have grabbed the rest of them before we came home! Blast!!! The second one is at the house, but I didn't even think about finishing them.... sad day...

This afternoon we went to the Thrift Store of America (I think that's what it was). No matter the name: this was amazing. I have never enjoyed thrift store shopping so very much. There's one in Tuscaloosa, too, apparently. Jessica, I can't wait for us to go. I got a super suitcase and some national geographics and a picnic basket and some overalls! It was great.... I'm gonna try and imitate Lindsey's amazing birthday gift and cover the luggage piece with pictures. She made me the fantastic collaged make-up case for my birthday. I'll post pictures soon, maybe. I think she should cover pieces and sell them. Thanks again, Lindsey. :)

I'm babysitting at the Tomlinson's now; the boys were great. Both of them were in really peachy moods and seemed as excited to see me as I was to see them. I love them very much. They ate well and fell asleep easily. Another major plus? Money! Which will probably just go in the bank.... ugh.

Nikki is away at camp this week. I hope she's having fun. I meant to call her Sunday before she left, but I forgot. I will try and remember to send her a postcard from Florida... remind me, if you will. Thanks!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Sometimes in the morning, I am petrified, and can't move; awake, but cannot open my eyes.

I spent the night here at my parents' house... Dad's at the beach for a school conference and Lindsey and Meagan are at camp. Graham was at work, so I got to spend time with Mom, which is always wonderful. I love her so much. She's making lasagna for a work party; she also made some to freeze and then bring to Florida, so yay! Also, we're not leaving until the 17th; I was three days off. Curses! That's okay, though...

The goings-on this week, in no particular order:

Jessica and I went to see the Benchwarmers, which was very funny and cute (although knowing half the cast helped, I think).

O'Brian, Jessica, Meaghan, and I drove to Huntsville, where we found out Insomnia has become a 21 and up club, meaning I couldn't get in, so O'Bizzle and M-dawg headed in while J-money came with me. We drove up and down University once before heading to IHOP, where we had a lovely early morning meal and drank a lot of coffee; then we sat in the club parking lot for an hour. We got see a brilliant moon before it set on the way home, and as we drove the sun rose.

I met this guy named Marcus who is friends with the boys next door, and we ended up hanging out for like seven hours or so.

Lacey and Alex and Asa came over and swam with Lance and I. It was an interesting night. I said no... don't act so suprised! ; ) No really... be proud.

I devloped a hacking cough earlier this week and this morning I awoke all stuffy.

I started readinga book I borrowed from Lacey called Me Talk Pretty Someday. I really like it so far. Also, I have two books due at the library that I can't find. Eeek! And I sure as Hell don't have the money to pay the fines right now... ugh.

So there you have it... the things I can remember off the top of my head. I hope your day is beautiful, Reader. You deserve it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006

There IS a place!

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before teh street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns cimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the pepermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Pas the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.

Nothing is more powerful than beauty in a wicked world...

I went with the Tomlinson's to a dinner party to watch the kids; I played with the other kids, too. Caroline, 4, and Allie, 8. They were wonderful. It was a fun night... they're still out. I brought the boys home; they both fell asleep in the car.

I just went out a minute ago to get the diaper bag and what-have-you, and I was only half-way paying attention to what I was doing, and when I opened the car door, I busted my lip. Yay for impaired depth-perception! I know, I know, you're laughing. It's understandable. My lip is cut and swelling.

I love Amos Lee.

I'm sure there's more to tell you, but I suppose I'll clean up the joint before Stephen and Rosario get home, just to be nice.

Thank you... my name is Jane.

Karen is home. Karen is safe. Karen is my heart.

Wednesday morning saw me at the Tomlinson's for a few hours; I got to meet Kelly, the girl whose taking care of them this summer-- low and behold, I knew her from Theatre last semester! That was pretty spiffy, and it makes me feel better (as if Rosario was going to hire someone bad for the boys?). After that I picked up Nikki and we went to the house on Park Blvd. and baked a strawberry cake for her dad's birthday. It didn't turn out to well, but I'm sure it tasted good, at least. After dropping her off I headed to BAM where I found Karen! A joyful reunion indeed; she was brought home to see Lance and Jonathan. After some visiting we headed to Ricatoni's for a wonderful supper, then we ventured to the railroad bridge! Turns out Jonathan and I are soul-mates. Who knew?

More stuff, blah blah. Lance dyed my hair that night! It's black again. I love it. Then we hung out on the porch for a bit. I should tell you, I'm disaster.

Yesterday Lance and Jonathan came over in the morning and after some N64 we headed to the pool, where O'Brian joined us later; first time in the apartment pool this summer. It was nice, although it started clouding over after a while, so we went back inside. Jonathan had to go get ready for work, so we met him later at Quiznos, which then turned into Rosie's, which was wonderful. The we ambushed Karen and stole her away; more stuff, Karen went home, and we went to SIdepockets, where T.J. met us, and we hung out with Bobby, Mitch, and Matt before they went on stage. College night, 25 cent mini-beers, so Jessica and Lance had fun with that. The boys did a great job, as to be expected, and I liked this place more than Big Ed's. We headed home, after some exciting car troubles, then out again to Krystal's, which we promptly delivered to Jonathan at the ER.

A trip to the hospital roof; I love heights.

Home again, home again, alcohol, fun times, more MarioKart. Eventually the guys showed up from the pool hall and hung out for a little bit, then they went home, and I went to bed. I'm headed back to the Tomlinson's in about half an hour; I'm glad they called. I miss the boys... I need the money. I hate money. But I love you, Reader.